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Online Group Workshops

A ten week course to bring balance, fulfillment and peace in all areas of your life.
This course is for you if:

  • You find it difficult to quiet a busy mind.

  • You feel you’ve lost your sense of who you really are, and want to find yourself once again.

  • You’ve heard the benefits of journaling, but just don’t know where to begin.

  • You are ready to let go of self doubt and negative self talk.

  • You are ready to step into your power, and really shine as who you really are.

  • You want to discover the tools which can help you to cope in situations of stress, enabling you to respond to the situations rather than impulsively reacting.

Journaling and Meditation as resilience building tools.

Course Outline:

What's it all about?... Learn to use the life changing skills of Journaling and Meditation to create a life you love. This is a 10 week journaling and meditation course which will allow you to take back responsibility for your self care, build small positive habits in your routine, show you how to use journaling for healing and personal development, and teach meditation methods to help you cope with everyday life situations. - 10 x 90 minutes group workshops - Access to WhatsApp group support Each week of the 10 week course you will gain new journaling, meditation and mindset tools to bring balance , fulfillment and peace in all areas of your life. By the end of the 10 weeks you’ll be a different person to the one who is reading this now! Here’s what you can expect each week On Week 1 you’ll learn the basics of journaling, and a meditation to help you unclutch from you thoughts – the first step in mastering your mind. Week 2 is all about uncovering the power that lies within you, letting go of your limiting beliefs and starting to shine! Week 3 brings your awareness to your emotions, allows you to sit with them Learn to respond to them rather than react or be triggered by them. Week 4 is all about bliss, joy and love, connecting back into the simple things that have brought you these feelings before Week 5 is the week you get to meet yourself in the future. To begin to see the reality you could create for yourself. If life had no limits, how would that look? Week 6 is all about abundance and how you can bring more of it into your life, whether you seek an abundance of money, love, time or freedom. Week 7 allows you to transform something that is causing you pain or suffering into a feeling of lightness, creating space for more of what brings you peace. Week 8 you will identify the patterns of your thoughts, once you are aware of where your mind is you can start to change it. Week 9 gives you the opportunity to connect to something more, whatever that means for you. Go within or without to find a spiritual connection. Week 10 is an opportunity to look back at where you have come from and to look ahead to where you are going – what will that look like for you?

10 Weeks to a New You

Practical Magic

This course is for you if:

  • You know you need to fill your cup, but just can’t find the time?

  • You know the benefits of meditation, but never seem to get the peace?

  • You’re keen to journal more, but not sure how to fit it in around all the household chores?

  • You would love to exercise more, but not sure where would you even start.

  • You want to love yourself, but you don’t even like what you see in the mirror.

  • You really want to invest in your personal development and know how much it would benefit you and your family, but it just doesn’t seem possible right now.

Mindset, Meditation and Me Time for Busy Mums

Course Outline:

What's it all about?... Simplify your life and make more space for the magic, whatever that means to you! This course will include lots of practical tips including how to declutter, meal plan and prep, weekly or monthly shop, a morning routine that starts the night before to make life run more smoothly for the whole family, how to study or make time for your passions, fill your own cup to be able to pour out more easily onto those around you, create your own affirmations and take steps towards creating the life you’ll truly love! - Finding pockets of time – how to time block to make the most of your time without sacrifice. Finding “me time” around your current work or family commitments. Journaling to discover what it is that is making your life harder than it needs to be, and working out what exactly it is you really want to create space for. - Finding your joy – What fills your cup. What do you want more of – how can you introduce this even in in small ways. Setting boundaries – what is draining you How do you have less of that? - Streamlining your current obligations – meal planning, shopping smarter, meal prep. Decluttering your home, less time doing chores, more time doing life! - Visualisations and meditation to create the home you crave. Self image/self love – do the clothes you wear make me feel good? Are they what your future self wears, is this the kind of person I want to be? - Body Image – Diet and Exercise why are you repeating the habits that keep you stuck? What is driving the behaviour, where does that come from? How you can use EFT (tapping) to heal.

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