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In Person Groups

We currently have an in person Meditation and Journaling Circle running in Saintfield.

In person groups are even more special as we create a relaxing ambiance with candle light, essential oils, warming herbal teas and sweet treats. There will be a full range of resources and tools each session for you to take away and continue the rituals from class in your own home.

Come to a class and experience community in the company of like minded "friends you just haven't met yet".


These groups are available to book in Monthly Blocks.

Please see below for more information on each session and to book into the next available block.

Meditation and Journaling _Killinchy Mondays 7-8.30 pm (4).png


These are meditation and journaling sessions to bring balance, fulfillment and peace in all areas of your life.

This course is for you if:
•You find it difficult to quiet a busy mind.
•You feel you’ve lost your sense of who you really are, and want to find yourself once again.
•You’ve heard the benefits of journaling, but just don’t know where to begin.
•You are ready to let go of self doubt and negative self talk.
•You are ready to step into your power and shine as who you really are.
•You want to discover the tools that can help you to cope in situations of stress, enabling you to respond to the situations rather than impulsively reacting.

What's it all about?...
Learn to use the life changing skills of Journaling and Meditation to create a life you love.



5th April: Free yourself - you will identify the patterns of your thoughts and limiting beliefs, once you are aware of where your mind is you can start to change it.



12th April: Part of Something More - gives you the opportunity to connect to something more, whatever that means for you. Go within or without to find a spiritual connection.



19th April: And Now What? - This final class is an opportunity to look back at where you have come from and to look ahead to where you are going - what will that look like for you?



Make a commitment to yourself, and show up for all 3 sessions



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